Do you want a quick boost in confidence that will make it easier than ever to approach girls and find the ones who would love to spin your propeller?
Keep your successes in mind.
Your brain usually goes back to its factory programming Reviews whenever you enter an emotionally charged situation.
Our brains will come up with a "worst case scenario" because one of our primary directives is to avoid bad situations. This will allow us to respond in the event that something bad happens.
The problem is that this factory programming was made for people who lived as cavemen in the jungle.Not a society of the modern era where things are relatively safe.
Some time ago, those "most pessimistic scenario situations," like getting eaten by tigers, or getting thumped by two or three hooligans from an opponent clan, was really probable.Therefore, a prompt fear response was beneficial.
But conversing with women in a bar?Almost no actual danger.
However, unless you acknowledge this and actively alter your programming, your brain will always return to its factory settings.
How can you alter it?
Learn to remember your accomplishments.
How do you carry it out?Look for proof.
Start by writing down all of your positive interactions with women in a journal for about a week.Everything from the moment you first opened up to that girl Eharmony in second grade to your most recent physical encounter.
Simply record the event in as much detail as you can.Give yourself some time because this may take some time.
Journal for at least a few minutes every night once you have reached your current state.
Simply record any positive actions you took that day in regard to women.anything from making eye contact to successful openings.
Although it will take some time, this is extremely potent.You'll be working on creating a solid, real collection of (a lot of) successful experiences with women.
As a result, the first thing you'll think of when you see a hottie is potential sexual conquest as well as fear.
Also, as I'm certain you know, constant sexual triumph is another of our great orders.
In point of fact, as soon as that fictitious fear has passed, the ever-present desire for SEXUAL CONQUEST will begin to dominate everything you do.
This will result in more girlfriends, more money, and more lays.
There is nothing you can't do once you get over your fear and let your natural sexual urge t